Tim’s Cleaning Service LLC Referral Program
If you’re a current customer looking for Special Offers, look no further.
Tim’s Cleaning Service LLC realizes that the best form of advertising is word-of-mouth from our current customers. Providing a high-quality, low-cost service is what we put all of our ambition into. We would like to reward you for recommending our service to other businesses. Here is how it works:
When you recommend our business to another business, make sure that they tell us how they heard of us AND who from your company told them. Then we will provide them with a Free Estimate. Once they have contracted with our janitorial service, then we will provide your company with a one time $100.00 credit off of your current monthly account statement.*
Not only that, but the person from your company who told them about our service will receive a one time $25.00 lunch gift certificate to a local hotspot restaurant. This is our way of thanking you and your company for referring our services.
We appreciate your business and look forward to offering you years of high-quality, low-cost service.
*Certain restrictions apply. The discounts apply to only labor. New customer must sign a ‘forever’ or time contract. Minimum monthly price for the new customer must be $240. Both the current customer and the new customer accounts must be in good standing. Offer limited to once per calendar year, per customer. Tax regulations prevent us from providing more than one $25.00 gift certificate per customer.